Mike Brummitt's - Chief Executive
Tēnā koutou,
Trust everyone is well and making the most of the weather before we move into the winter months.
As an organisation we continue to focus on what matters most to the people with whom we are walking alongside. There has been significant developments around recruitment, induction, orientation and ongoing training. We are also continuing to explore how we provide quality supervision and ensure that reward and recognition is positively experienced by all staff. We also continue to build on our commitment to biculturalism and our cultural responsiveness and with the appointment of Vi Cook as Waka Wairua we look forward to the next stages of our development.
All this goes alongside our continued vigilance of Covid 19 as the pandemic continues to cause havoc and mayhem around the world. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge all our staff who have family, friends and loved ones around the world who are directly affected, in particular those in India and as an organisation we are here for you and if we can help in anyway please just let me know. Kei konā kei a koutou ngā whakairo – Our thoughts are with you.
All staff should have received a web link which enables you to sign up for your vaccination and I would urge you all to think deeply around what is happening throughout the world and take this opportunity. The message from the Ministry of Health continues to be that maximising uptake of the vaccine will ensure we keep as many people as safe and protected as possible. If you have any confusion around the process we are more than happy to provide some clarity.
As always if you have any questions or comments to make I would be delighted to hear from you – mike@cct.org.nz
Nga mihi hoki ki nga mahi e mahia ana e koe ia ra, ia ra - Thank you for what you continue to do every day.